Hi all,
With communities down for a few more weeks, this is an odd way for me to communicate. I apologize for formatting oddities.
To get the chapter up and running, we need to create an executive committee, hold an election, and submit bylaws. You will find attached and
linked here a first draft of bylaws for our chapter. Please edit the Google doc with changes - if you use Word, please reply and I'll add them to the Google doc so others can see them. I have also attached the document provided by Sigma Xi for the creation of the bylaws - I drew heavily from my last chapter's bylaws (Calgary Chapter) when putting this draft together.
I want to open the nomination period for officer positions with this email. Please email me if you would like to run for any of the positions listed below (and explained in the bylaws). The positions are for 1 year (unless we change the bylaws) from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. I find these positions often take less than 5 hours a month of my time and that includes attending lectures and events for Sigma Xi. Per the bylaws attached, only active (dues-paying) members can vote. We can discuss that in the bylaw edits. However, you don't have to be an active member to run for a position.
Nomination period & submit edits to bylaws: May 2 - June 7
Election & vote about bylaws: June 10 - 27
Submit results to international Sigma Xi & announce to the community: June 28
Treasurer (we don't have an account)
Director at Large (specify city, region, university, agency, etc.).
I was hoping to co-sponsor a talk this year. If your department/organization is running a lecture that will be presented virtually, please consider letting me share it with our community. We have to have an 'event' to qualify as a chapter in good standing and receive funding next year.
Let me know if you have any questions and/or would like to run (or nominate someone) for one of the positions. I look forward to reading your edits of the bylaws.