University of Alabama at Birmingham


Welcome to the University of Alabama at Birmingham Chapter of Sigma Xi community page!

The UAB Sigma Xi Chapter members include undergraduate, graduate students, faculty and staff, and professional scientists and engineers.  The Chapter was founded in 1957 and holds a series of monthly seminars at which scientists and engineers share their research and scholarship. The Chapter honors excellence in scientific investigation and encourages a sense of companionship and cooperation among researchers in all fields of science and engineering. The Chapter also encourages and recognizes high-quality scientific and engineering research among undergraduate and graduate students.  We nominate/promote undergraduate and graduate students, staff and faculty, and professional scientists to Associate and/or Full membership in the Sigma Xi Society as members of the UAB Chapter.

If you are interested in being nominated to the UAB Sigma Xi Chapter membership, click here. We encourage and assist our student members to apply for the Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid-of-Research program. For general information on this program, click here. We also encourage our undergraduate members to attend and present a research poster at the Undergraduate Research Conference held each year in conjunction with Sigma Xi’s National Annual Meeting. Member feedback and suggestions for new programs and activities are always welcome!


For further information, contact one of our officers:

President: Michelle Wooten, PhD,

Vice President: Cynthia Tant, PhD,
: Margaret Amsler, MS,

Secretary: James Lowery,

Past President: Lauren Rast, PhD, 

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