Welcome to the University of North Carolina (UNC) Chapter of Sigma Xi community site!
This site will be used to send notifications to members and to engage directly on topics related those members of the UNC Chapter of Sigma Xi. We hope you will utilize this site to communicate with your colleagues in the Chapter as well. We look forward to seeing you at our next Chapter event.
Our Chapter Officers are listed below. Please contact us if you have questions regarding membership or upcoming activities:
President: Dr. Richard Watkins
E-mail: richard_watkins@med.unc.edu
TEL: 919 843 9132
Vice-President: Dr. Michael Madden
E-mail: mmadden@email.unc.edu
TEL 919 966 6257
Treasurer: Dr. Drew Coleman
E-mail: dcoleman@email.unc.edu
TEL 919 962 0705
Secretary: Dr. Joanna Warren
E-mail: joannaa@email.unc.edu
TEL: 916 261 0715