
  • Seminar Announcement: Beyond Sunlight - Smart LED Lighting

    Sponsored by the Sigma Xi FIU Chapter & IEEE Photonics Society Miami Chapter

    Friday,    February 23, 2024,      10:00AM      EC 2300

    Dr. Michael Shur 
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 

    A Sigma Xi Distinguished Lectureship Event

    Abstract: Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are 20 times more efficient than incandescent bulbs and nearly 3 times more efficient than compact fluorescent lamps. It is even more important that LEDs can produce light optimized for specific needs and applications, such as light for treating seasonal affective disorder, growing plants, and preserving or even “restoring” paintings and objects of art. Many emerging applications are in medicine, lighting for seniors, merchandising, the automotive industry, photography, the film industry, and theatre lighting. We are truly in the middle of the smart lighting revolution. All these applications will benefit from new metrics of light quality - color rendition metrics demonstrated by a smart LED lamp - the “color rendition engine”. But LEDs go beyond the visible range: they are capable of producing ultraviolet (UV) light. UV radiation has numerous applications in water and air purification, algae control, sterilization, biological threat identification, medicine, biology, industrial processes, defense, and homeland security. UV LEDs are environmentally friendly and compact sources consuming low power and emitting at many wavelengths. Research is now underway to use these LEDs for algae control, increasing yield, improving quality, and extending the storage time of fruits and vegetables. UV LEDs will help reduce waste, alleviate the problem of world hunger, purify water, kill bacteria and viruses, and solve the tremendous problem of Hospital Acquired Infections that lead to nearly 100,000 deaths annually in the United States alone. 

  • Sigma Xi increases GIAR funding levels for student members

    Sigma Xi's Grants in Aid of Research (GIAR) program now offers increased funding opportunities for Sigma Xi members. Graduate student members are eligible for grants up to $5,000 and undergraduate students are eligible for grants up to $2,000. Non-members are still invited to apply and qualify for grants up to $1,000. Fall application deadline is March 15, 2024.

  • Next lecture October 25, on line

    The next Calgary Sigma Xi Seminar is Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 4:30 pm MDT (-6 UTM) by Courtney Lawrence, titled "Lithic debitage and reduction strategies at Smokehouse Island (GiSp-001), on the Babine River, North-Central British Columbia.". The presentation will be live-streamed on Zoom. (Meeting ID: 971 1896 5612 Passcode: SigmaXi). 
    Please note the Zoom information is staying the same for the 2023-24 series.

  • Whitman College-Walla Walla University Sigma Xi chapter is going inactive

    To all current members of the local Whitman College-Walla Walla University Sigma Xi chapter:

    Our local Sigma Xi chapter has a long history of promoting science among both faculty and students at our two colleges. However, it seems that an increasingly large number of our local scientists are focusing their attention on specific societies related to their areas of research rather than societies like Sigma Xi that have a broader research emphasis. Our local chapter has been declining in membership for some time and currently has only a handful of members left. Therefore our local Sigma Xi chapter officers have decided that our best approach would be to go "inactive" while encouraging current members to continue membership in scientific societies more directly related to their research interests. The local chapter has a few thousand dollars saved up for local activities. We plan to use this money to provide research support to several students on both campuses, then cease local activities. If any current member wants to take over leadership and try to revive our local chapter instead please contact me at

    David Cowles
    Whitman College-Walla Walla University Sigma Xi chapter secretary